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  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (Al-Ahkam, 2010-03)
    Kitab al-Khulāsatu al-Wafiyyah karya KH. Zubair Umar al-Jailani merupakan salah satu kitab yang dikelompokkan dalam sistem hisab hakiki tahkiky dan dijadikan referensi dalam penentuan awal bulan kamariah di Indonesia. ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (AHKAM, 2013-12)
    Determining the direction of Qiblah for Musslims is an important issue. Facing the qiblah is a legal requirement ini the performance of praying. Without facing the qiblah, one’s prayer is void or invalid. Method ...
  • Fachrurazi (IJSR, 2015)
    The nature of education according to Islam is to form a personality in order to become a man of noble character. So it is the impetus for him to do good in life, and hinder him from making mistakes. This study examines ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (Al-Ahkam : JURNAL ILMU SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM, 2016)
    Artikel ini mendeskripsikan tentang nikah sirri (nikah di bawah tangan) yang masih menyisahkan berbagai persoalan dalam suatu keluarga dan masyarakat. Agama dan negara telah memberikan acuan yang jelas bahwa sah tidaknya ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (AL-‘ADALAH, 2016-06)
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memaparkan pemikiran fukaha Sunni (Hanâfiyah, Mâlikiyah, Syâfi’iyah, dan Hanâbilah) terhadap penjualan (ibdâl) dan penggantian (istibdâl) benda wakaf. Kajian ini menggunakan ...
  • Istiqamah, Istiqamah (DEPISA, 2016-07)
    The relationship of three main ideas is investigated in this paper: communicative strategies (CS); recorded conversations; and a foreign language (FL) setting. Communicative strategies can take the form of reduction and ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (Jurnal Ilmiah : Al-Syir’ah, 2017)
    Penerapan hukum Islam di Indonesia berkaitan erat dengan awal masuknya Islam di Indonesia. Artinya, setelah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia, hukum Islam telah diikuti dan dilaksanakan oleh para pemeluk agama Islam di Nusantara ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (Istinbáth : Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2017-12)
    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang fundraising wakaf organisasi Muhammadiyah kota Pontianak. Kajian ini dikategorisasikan sebagai penelitian empiris atau penelitian lapangan (Àeldresearch) karena mengandalkan data ...
  • Syakur, Abdusy; Ma'ruf; Yahya Husein, Sudi (JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2018)
    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi Ta’lim yang diisi oleh KH. Syamsuddin Husein al-Hafidz dengan kajian kitab kuningnya yaitu kitab Kitab Kifayah al-Atqiya’ Wa Minhaj al-Aṣfiya’ nya di Masjid Darul Muttaqien, ...
  • Rosdiawan, Ridwan (Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam, 2018-04-02)
    There are three mainstream theories which elucidate the relationship between Islamic doctrine and political actions that lead to terrorism acts of its believers: Firstly: they who believe that justification of violence and ...
  • Rosdiawan, Ridwan (Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2018-09-01)
    What is the main factor of terrorism; Islamic doctrine, or political factor? There are three mainstream opinions provide theoretical reviews. Firstly, those who believe that the justification of acts of violence to terrorism ...
  • Zahran, Ma'ruf (JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2019)
    Peristiwa teror yang terjadi akhir-akhri ini berupa penyerangan terhadap jamaah di salah satu masjid di London pada bulan Juni 2018 dan serangan terhadap petugas kepolisian di Perancis pada awal tahun 2017 mengambarkan ...
  • Zahran, Ma'ruf (JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2019)
    Proses pembelajaran senantiasa melibatkan interaksi satu sama lain, dan efektivitas terhadap hasil pembelajaran tersebut menjadi wacana yang sangat penting. Tulisan ini akan mencoba mengetengahkan suatu konsep model ...
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF SYARIAH AND LAW (MJSL), USIM, 2019-12)
    This paper discusses the history and development of Islamic astronomy in Indonesia. During the Dutch colonization in Indonesia there was a shift from Hijri to Gregorian (Miladiyah) calendar as the official national ...
  • Mufid, Abdul; Ficayum, Lina Aris; Purwanto, Agus; Muhajir, Muhajir; Muhaini, Akhmad; Faricha, Faiz; Warto, Warto; Fitri, Ahmad Asrof; Yulianto, Rohmad Adi; Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah (Solid State Technology, 2020)
    The highest reference for Muslims in understanding Islamic law is the Qur'an and hadith with the hadith ranked second after the Qur'an. In the history of Islam, hadith is a source of polemic in Islamic law. There are ...
  • Fachrurazi (Cogent Business & Management, 2021)
    This present study investigates the moderating effect of celebrity endorsers’ perceived religiosity in the relationship between dimensions in source credibility theory and consumers’ purchase intention. A self-administered ...
  • Herlambang, Saifuddin (Julian Corner, 2021-02)
  • Ma’u, Dahlia Haliah; Wagiyem, Wagiyem (AL-HUKAMA : The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Family Law, 2021-06)
    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengurusan izin poligami di peradilan agama (Studi kasus di Pengadilan Agama kelas 1.A Pontianak). Tujuan riset ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang tiga hal yaitu: Aturan yang ...
  • Rosdiawan, Ridwan; Atmaja, Dwi Surya (African Journal on Terrorism, 2021-12)
    The 2001 USA-led War against Terrortargeted groups and individuals in countries redominantly inhabitied by Muslims. This tendency produced the allegation that “terrorism” is designed to address Islam and Muslims as ...
  • Cucu, Cucu; Nurrahmi, Hesty (HIKMATUNA Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, 2021-12-10)
    This study was to investigate the influence of mosques in developing moderate communities in West Kalimantan. Mosques are Da'wah institutions that are aligned with the community's values. Aside from serving as a place ...


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