Khatulistiwa ISSN 1412-5781 (print) and ISSN 2502-8499 (online) Published by The Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) of Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Pontianak)
Hidayat, Samsul(Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 2024)
The study on the role of religious moderation in food consumption practices as a strategy to maintain environmental balance highlights the unique synergy between Islamic and Confucian values within the ...
Most of Indonesia's Muslim population in consuming food are ordered
to consume halal food. This study aims to determine the effect of
variables on halal certification, awareness, brand image, and intention
to buy halal ...
Religion and nationalism are two of the prominent individual identities which can
signify the consumers’ emotional attachment to the brand. However, brand
communication rarely incorporates those two approaches simultaneously ...
This present study investigates the moderating effect of celebrity
endorsers’ perceived religiosity in the relationship between dimensions in source
credibility theory and consumers’ purchase intention. A self-administered ...
The nature of education according to Islam is to form a personality in order to become a man of noble character. So it is the
impetus for him to do good in life, and hinder him from making mistakes. This study examines ...
This research investigates the dynamics of Career Development, Job Satisfaction,
Workload, and their impacts on Turnover Intention among employees. Through hypothesis
testing and statistical analysis, significant insights ...
This quantitative research aims to examine the effectiveness of the kamishibai method in improving students’ storytelling skills in English. The research design used in this study was a one-group pretest-posttest. To ...
Ruslan, Ismail; Amri, Faizal; Yusriadi, Yusriadi(DINAMIKA ILMU Journal of Education /Jurnal Pendidikan, 2024-06-24)
This study aims to explore the role of religion and education in maintaining inter-ethnic
harmony in Sanggau, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Sanggau, with its ethnic diversity
including Malays, Dayaks, Chinese and others, ...
Syakur, Abdusy; Ma'ruf; Yahya Husein, Sudi(JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2018)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi Ta’lim yang diisi oleh KH.
Syamsuddin Husein al-Hafidz dengan kajian kitab kuningnya yaitu kitab Kitab Kifayah
al-Atqiya’ Wa Minhaj al-Aṣfiya’ nya di Masjid Darul Muttaqien, ...
Zahran, Ma'ruf(JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2019)
Peristiwa teror yang terjadi akhir-akhri ini berupa penyerangan terhadap
jamaah di salah satu masjid di London pada bulan Juni 2018 dan serangan terhadap
petugas kepolisian di Perancis pada awal tahun 2017 mengambarkan ...
Zahran, Ma'ruf(JRTIE: Journal of Research and Thought of Islamic Education, 2019)
Proses pembelajaran senantiasa melibatkan interaksi satu sama lain, dan efektivitas
terhadap hasil pembelajaran tersebut menjadi wacana yang sangat penting. Tulisan ini akan mencoba mengetengahkan suatu konsep model ...
Ma'ruf; Juliansyah; Jumadir(At-Turats Jurnal Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam, 2021)
Bemeteng tradition for the people of Melayu Semanga Village' is a tradition of meetings to facilitate the preparation of the wedding reception held three or four days before the wedding reception is held. The Malay community ...
Cucu, Cucu; Nurrahmi, Hesty(HIKMATUNA Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, 2021-12-10)
This study was to investigate the influence of mosques in developing moderate communities in
West Kalimantan. Mosques are Da'wah institutions that are aligned with the community's values.
Aside from serving as a place ...
The highest reference for Muslims in understanding Islamic law is the Qur'an and hadith with the
hadith ranked second after the Qur'an. In the history of Islam, hadith is a source of polemic in Islamic law.
There are ...
Ma'u, Dahlia Haliah(RAHEEMA: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak, 2016)
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (in Indonesia known as LGBT) are fahisyah
(bad/nasty) behaviors that are clearly prohibited in Islam. Those behaviors were performed by Prophet Luth
people in the past and be ...
Social dynamic development along with the rapid change of science and technology has
aroused varied social religious problems that cannot be accommodated by sharia rule
contained in Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Thus, ijtihad ...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memaparkan pemikiran
fukaha Sunni (Hanâfiyah, Mâlikiyah, Syâfi’iyah, dan Hanâbilah) terhadap penjualan (ibdâl) dan
penggantian (istibdâl) benda wakaf. Kajian ini menggunakan ...