Al Albab

Al Albab


Al-Albab ISSN: 0216-6143 (print) and ISSN: 2502-8340 (online) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice a year in print and online (e-journal) by the Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies, Pontianak. Our academic publication concern includes the studies of world religions of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Chinese religions and other religions. Interdisciplinary studies may include the studies of religion in the fields of anthropology, sociology, philosophy, psychology, education, cultural studies and other social sciences. Since the journal is published twice a year, special issue would be made available for special condition. The regular issues include June and December editions each year. The journal publishes research-based articles in the area of religious studies. All prospective contributors from various background are welcome to contribute to the journal publication. Contributions in English should be typed single-space and contain minimum of 4.000 and maximum of 8.000 words. The citation should follow APA style with footnotes.

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Recent Submissions

  • Rosdiawan, Ridwan (Al Albab, 2014-02)
    While polemics is still shadowing the internationally accepted definition, the word “Terrorism” becomes more controversial when it is paralleled with “Islam”. The Islamic Terrorism discourse is more likely to be an elusive ...
  • Atio, Segu (IAIN Pontianak, 2012-12)
    Despite the fact that early Chinese expeditions to this country were led by a Muslim Chinese named Zheng He (Cheng Ho), the overwhelming majority of Chinese Indonesians currently embrace religions other than Islam. This ...
  • Towpek, Hadenan; Borhan, Joni Tamkin (2015-11-26)
    Sheikh Daud bin ‘Abdullah al-Fatani (1131-1265AH/1718-1847CE) is a Malay scholar who appears on the transition period to 18M and 19M century. He was known as a productive scholar and prolific book, which can be viewed from ...