The highest reference for Muslims in understanding Islamic law is the Qur'an and hadith with the
hadith ranked second after the Qur'an. In the history of Islam, hadith is a source of polemic in Islamic law.
There are many criticisms that are focused on the hadith, ranging from the problem of codification,
transmission, and fiqh al-hadith. The criticism emerged with the basic assumption that the hadith is different
from the Qur'an. However, in the modern era, the problem of hadith is more likely to be a matter of
understanding. Among the problems that still occur today are understanding of the rukyathilal traditions
related to the determination of the beginning of the lunar month. The discourse about the difference in the
determination of the beginning of the Hijri month is a consequence of the different points of view of
understanding the rukyathilal traditions. Therefore the method of understanding the hadith on the rukyathilal
is something urgent to study. Based on this background, the author then formulates one problem, i.e., how
about the comprehending of Yusuf al-Qaradawi toward the hadith rukyatul hlal? The final conclusion of this
dissertation research process can be seen that the implications of Yusuf al-Qaradawi's understanding of the
rukyathilal traditions are the hope of al-Qaradawi for the realization of the unification of fasting and the
feast of Muslims in Europe on a priority basis, not the unification of all Muslims on earth.