ZAKIYAH MAHARANI PUTRI, Students’ Perception Of Learning
English Vocabulary Through The Rosetta Stone Application (A Case Study At
Mts Al-Anwar): English Tadris Study Program, Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training Faculty, Pontianak State Islamic Institute, 2025.
This research aims to investigate what students' perceptions are
related to English learning through the Rosetta Stone application and what
are the advantages of learning English vocabulary Through Rosetta Stone
Application. The background of this research is based on the importance of
educational technology in the current era, which means the importance of
English learning media in motivating students to learn. Many students have
difficulty learning because they need to find the right media.
This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research
method. Researcher used observation, interview and documentation research
instruments. This study's participants were seven students willing to be
The results of this study show that learning media can motivate
students and increase their enthusiasm for learning. Besides that, there are
many advantages provided by the Rosetta Stone application, one of which is
the flexibility of time and place. The second conclusion is that students think
the Rosetta Stone application is a fascinating medium with a good design and
appearance. Students have a lot of positive perceptions of learning
applications in learning English vocabulary.