Mutiara Cahya Debi Ramadhanti. Exploring the Benefits and Challenges
of the Flipped Classroom in English Learning at SMAN 3 Pontianak.
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty (FTIK) English Tadris Study Program
(TBI) Pontianak State Islamic Institue (IAIN) 2024.
This research aims to find out: 1. The benefits of flipped classroom
implementation in English language learning at SMAN 3 Pontianak. 2.
Challenges or difficulties of flipped classroom model implementation in
English language learning at SMAN 3 Pontianak. 3. The effectiveness of the
implementation of flipped classroom model in English language learning at
SMAN 3 Pontianak.
This type of research is a qualitative research. The data source in this research
is primary data. Data collection techniques and tools used in this research are
observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this
research are data triangulation, member-checking data, and extended
The results showed that the flipped classroom method increased students'
activity and understanding by allowing them to study the material before
class, so that face-to-face time was utilized for interactive discussions.
However, the main challenges are students' unpreparedness to learn
independently and the teacher's role as a facilitator. The success of this
method depends on the support of learning tools, such as Google Classroom
and WhatsApp, although there are still technical obstacles such as limited
internet access.
This study concludes that the flipped classroom method is effective in
improving the quality of English learning, although it requires additional
support to overcome the existing challenges.