Peni Nurhaliza, 2024. “The Effectiveness Of Using Duolingo Application To Improve
Students’ Vocabulary At the Seventh Grade Of SMP Negeri 02 Pontianak”. Thesis
(S1). Tadris English Study Program. Faculty of Tarbiyah And Teacher Training. State
Institute for Islamic Studies Pontianak.
Vocabulary was part of language learning and very important in a foreign
language learning. Lacking vocabulary, student were not able to convey their ideas.
Vocabulary was a key to understand English. To this point, Duolingo Application was
implemented to improve students’ vocabulary mastery with joys.
The research problems were as follows. How is the students’ achievement in
vocabulary after using Duolingo Application? Are there any effects of Duolingo
Application on the students’ achievement in vocabulary? The purpose of this research
was to improve students vocabulary and find out the effects of using Duolingo
Application on the seventh graders of SMP Negeri 02 Pontianak. In addition, using
Duolingo Application could make students excited and interested in learning and
practicing their English, especially vocabulary and also accelerated whether it would
be helpful and enjoyable.
The research design was in this research was quasi-experimental design with
quantitative approach. The population of this research was the seventh grade of
students at SMPN 02 Pontianak. The sample involved VII H consist of 25 students as
the experimental group and 25 students as the control group from VII G. This research
used 20 questions as the instrument. The writer administered the test instrument both
in experimental and control groups for pre and post tests. The time allocation for both
tests was 60 minutes.
The write used T-test formula through SPSS 25 as the technique of data
analysis. The finding showed that the mean achievement of experimental class was
higher than the mean achievement of the control class. The mean achievement of
experimental class was 89.60 and 73.40 for the mean of the control group. The
hypothesis was analyzed at significant level of 0.05, and the result showed that t-value
was 6.630 and the sig.2-tailed 0.000. It means that hypothesis was accepted and
Duolingo Application could be used to improve students’ achievement in vocabulary.
It was concluded that the use of Duolingo Application could give a positive effect in
improving students’ vocabulary on the seventh grade at SMP Negeri 02 Pontianak in
academic year 2023/2024.