Kholifah, 2024. Classroom Action Research On Students' Pronunciation Using ELSA Speak Application In Senior High School. Thesis, Pontianak: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK), English Language Education Study Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak, 2024.
This research is motivated by the lack of speaking skills of tenth grade (X) students at MAS Al-Ma'arif Kubu Raya. At the beginning of the pre-observation conducted by the researcher, the researcher found that there was a lack of pronunciation of students in the class. After discussing with the English teacher, he said that the lack of interest in English was the reason for the very minimal pronunciation of students, therefore the researcher chose to use the ELSA Speak application as a learning medium for students to encourage students' interest in practicing pronunciation. This study aims to determine: Investigate students' pronunciation levels before the pre-cycle, examine the students' pronunciation process after cycle 1, examine the students' pronunciation process after cycle 2, determine whether there is an improvement in the students' pronunciation process from cycle 1 to cycle 2.
This research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of four components, namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. The data collection stage uses observation, Pre-Test and Post Test and documentation. Then the data analysis is qualitative descriptive. This research was conducted with II Cycle to optimize the results. This research was conducted with English teachers in the class who acted as collaborators.
The results of this study concluded that the use of the ELSA Speak application can improve the Pronunciation of students in class ten (X) of MAS Al-Ma'arif Kubu Raya. The average score on the pre-test was 51.5%. This score increased to 65% on post-test I and further increased to 73% on post-test II. From the results above, I recommend this application to improve students' pronunciation with long-term learning, the use of the application is also very good to attract students' interest in learning pronunciation with a new method that does not only focus on books.