Dinda Puji Lestari, 2024. “The Effectiveness of Using the Hello English
Application to Improve Vocabulary Among the Seventh-Grade Students of
MTS Al-Ma-arif NU Pontianak”. Thesis (S1) English Tadris Study Program
(TBI). Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK). State Instiute for
Islamic Studies of Pontianak (IAIN). Advisor I: Segu, MA. Advisor II: Nur
Rahmiani, M.Pd. Academic Year 2023/2024.
This research was aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Hello
English application in improving students’ vocabulary. The application
provided a comprehensive online platform for learning English, focusing on
vocabulary enhancement, spelling, and speaking skills. It also assisted in
understanding and comprehending words was through interactive exercises
and tailored lessons.
This research was an experimental design, with a pre-test and post test design on a single group. The research population involved 24
participants who are from the seventh-grade students of MTS Al-Ma’arif NU
Pontianak for the 2024/2025 academic year. The sample was taken by using
a purposive sampling technique. The test was used multiple-choice the
research instrument was a vocabulary test consisting of 10 questions for the
pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was conducted using the paired sample t test with the assistance of SPSS version 26.
The research findings showed a difference between pre-test and post test results, with the pre-test mean score of 30 and the post-test mean score of
65.41, respectively. It signified that the students' vocabulary had increased as
a result of their treatment with the Hello English application. 𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 had a
higher score than 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (9.345 > 2.069). It signified that the null hypothesis
was rejected while the alternative hypothesis was accepted. As a result, there
was a considerable influence on seventh-grade students' vocabulary after
being taught using the Hello English application at MTS Al-Ma'arif NU