Yuyun Sagita, 2024. “Improving Students Listening Comperhension Through
Podcast By Spotify At Mts Al Iqdam Merapi Sekadau”. Thesis (S1) Tadris
English Study Program (TBI). Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training (FTIK).
State Islamic Institute of Pontianak (IAIN), Advisor I: Dr. Istiqamah MA. Advisor
II: Nanik Shobikah, M. Pd. Academic Year 2023/2024.
The purpose of this study is to how do students improve their listening
comprehension after the first cycle through podcast by spotify, how do students
improve their listening comprehension after the second cycle through podcast by
spotify, how do students improve their listening comprehension from they first to
second cycle through podcast by spotify. The difficulty in this study is restricted
to the researchers' comprehension of the fundamentals of podcast recordings.
Researchers employed podcasts as a tool to enhance students' listening abilities.
This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out
successfully in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation
and reflection. In each meeting there are learning activities for 2x45 minutes. The
object of this research is students' listening skills. In collecting data, researchers
used tests (post-test I and post-test II), observation, documentation, and field
notes. This research was conducted collaboratively with a seventh grade English
The results of this research prove that using Podcasts can improve
students' listening skills. This is because based on the results of post test II, 92%
of students were able to achieve the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM).
Apart from that, the results of post test II prove that the percentage of student
learning activity is 84.37%, meaning that Podcasts can increase student learning
activity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of Podcasts can improve
students' listening skills and learning activities in class 7 MTs Al Iqdam Merapi.