YUNI SAFITRI. 12017028. The Effectiveness of Using YouTube
Conversation Videos on Question Answer Ability to the Eighth Graders of MTs
Darunnaim Pontianak: English Tadris Study Program Tarbiyah And Teacher
Training Faculty Pontianak State Islamic Institute, 2024.
This research aimed to seek answers on three aspects. It was to describe
students' ability to ask and answer questions before the use of YouTube
conversation videos. Next, it was to describe students’ ability to ask and answer
questions after the use of YouTube conversation videos. Finally, it was to explore
the significance of YouTube conversation videos on improving students’ ability to
ask and answer questions.
This research applied a quasi-experimental method with the pre-post test
design. While the experimental class was treated by You Tube video media, the
control class received no treatment. It applied purposive sampling techniques to the
population of 124 students of four classes at the eighth grade of MTs Darunnaim
Pontianak. This research selected class A with 31 students as the experimental class
and class B with 32 student as the control class. The procedure to collect data was
to conduct a pre-test, apply treatment, and give a post-test. Next, the data were
analyzed applying the independent sample t-test.
The research found as follows. First, the students’average scores before
treated by YouTube conversation videos indicated 61.25 for the control group and
and 60.96 for the experimental one. Second, the students’ average scores after
treated by YouTube conversation videos are as indicated 66.09 for the control group
and 75.00 for the experimental one. Third, YouTube conversation video proved to
be significantly effective on improving students’ ability to ask and answer
questions. It was proven by Levene’s Test for Equality Variance indicating 0.276 >
0.05 meaing that 𝐻𝑜 is rejected and 𝐻𝑎 is accepted.