Fathurrahman, 12017053, 2024. "The Effectiveness of Spotify As a Tool for Improving Students’ Vocabulary at SMPN 2 Pontianak”. Thesis (S1) Tadris English Language Study Program (TBI). Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training (FTIK). State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN), Advisor I: Dr. Istiqamah, S.Ag MA. Advisor II: Vibry Andina Nurhidayah, M. Hum. Academic Year 2023/2024
This thesis investigates the effectiveness of Spotify as a tool for enhancing vocabulary acquisition among junior high school students at SMPN 2 Pontianak. The research addresses three primary questions.
Employing a quasi-experimental design, the study involved two groups: a control group receiving traditional vocabulary instruction, and an experimental group incorporating Spotify into their learning routine. Both groups undertook pre-tests to establish a baseline and post-tests after the intervention to measure vocabulary improvement.
The findings reveal that the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in vocabulary test scores compared to the control group. Statistical analysis indicated that the experimental group’s vocabulary retention and usage were markedly higher, attributed to the engaging and repetitive use of Spotify for vocabulary learning. Additionally, students in the experimental group reported higher levels of motivation and enjoyment in their learning process.
The results suggest that Spotify is an effective tool for vocabulary enhancement in junior high school settings. By integrating Spotify into language learning curriculum, educators can leverage digital resources to improve students' vocabulary skills. This study adds to the growing body of research on digital tools in education, highlighting the potential of music streaming services as innovative educational aids.