Pitriyeh,2024. Improving Students’ Pronunciation Through Islamic English Movie As Learning Media. Faculty of Tarbiyah And Teacher Training, English Tadris Study Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak, Academic Year 2023/2024
Even though junior high school students ha d a large vocabulary, they
still struggle with pronunciation, particularly when it c ame to English
pronunciation. The reason for this is that students hardly ever hear the proper
English pronunciation as spoken by native speakers. The goal of the research
was to enhance students' pronunciation by using Islamic English movie as
instructional materials. The primary goal of this study was to examine the
pronunciation proficiency of SMP Daru l Ulum Kuala Mandor B and determine
whether or not students could benefit from using Islamic English movie as
learning resources to improve their pronunciation. The researcher attempted to
investigate whether using Islamic English movies as instructional m aterials
could help students become more proficient in pronouncing words correctly.
Two cycles of cl assroom action research (CAR) were carried out in this
study by the researcher. Planning, acting, observing, and reflecting were the
steps in each cycle. Fifteen students in the eight grade at SMP Darul Ulum
Ku ala Mandor B participated as the research subjects. The researcher used
observation, documentation, and t ests (pre --, post --, and post test I and II) to
gather data. Together with the English teacher at SMP Darul Ulum Kuala
Mandor B Kubu Raya Regency, the research was carried out.
The study's findings demonstrated that teaching students to pronounce
words correctly using Islamic English movies as learning resources improved
the pronunciation of eight grade students at SMP Darul Ulum Kuala Mandor
B Kubu Raya Regency. The average score of the students from the pre te st to
the post test serve d as evidence. The pre test average score was 52,6, the post
test I average was 63, and the post test II average was 71,93. Thus, watching
English language films with subtitles c ould he lp students become more
proficient in pronouncing words correctly.