dc.description.abstract |
Efyu Rahmah Shalihah, 12017021. The Effectiveness of Applying Example Non Example as learning method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of the Seventh Grade Islamic Junior High School Students. Thesis (S1) Tadris English Language Study Program (TBI). Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training (FTIK). State Institute for Islamic Study of Pontianak (IAIN). 2024
Advisor I: Dr. Istiqamah MA. Advisor II: Vibry Andina Nurhidayah, Hum.
Junior high school students certainly had English vocabulary, there vocabulary understanding was low so the students had difficulty. but with that students still have great difficulty in understanding the vocabulary. The main purpose of this study is to explore the learning method “ example non example”, whether it was effective in improving vocabulary to class VII MTsN 1 Sambas students.
The experimental class was carried out in this study with the stages of Pre-test, Treatment, and Post-test with 60 participants, consisting of classes VII A and VII G. Data collection was basically done using pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed by normality test, homogeneity test, independent sample t-test, validity and reliability test.
The findings were as follows. First, the average score before the implementation of example non example of the control group was 54.93 and the experimental group was 67.80. Second, the average score after implementation of example non example of the control group was 81.13 and the experimental group was 87.43. Third, Examples of non-Examples proved to be significantly effective in improving vocabulary mastery of seventh-grade Islamic junior high school students. Its indicated levene’s Test for Equality Variance 0.490>0.05, so it can be interpreted Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. |
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